Platelet RichPlasma

Platelet Rich Plasmain Mandeville, LA
Does your pet have mobility issues or are they less active than they once were? Are traditional therapies such as NSAIDs and joint supplements just not providing enough relief to get your pet moving again? At Lakeshore Veterinary Hospital we are proud to offer Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and epidurals to help get your pet moving by reducing pain and inflammation within the joints and spine.
What are platelets?

Platelets are blood cells that have multiple purposes in the body. One of their main functions is to produce a clot so that wounds will stop bleeding. Platelets also contain proteins that can help the body heal.

What is platelet rich plasma?
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is derived from removing the red blood cells from whole blood and isolating platelets. A sample of blood is taken from a patient and then spun down in a centrifuge. The red blood cells are removed with a pipette and discarded.
The left-over concentrate is called PRP which contains platelets and proteins that can then be used to promote healing and treat areas of inflammation in the body.
In addition to cells, PRP contains other growth factors and substances that are normally in the plasma, such as insulin-like growth factor.
When would PRP therapy be indicated?

How does it work?
What are the side effects and risks of PRP therapy?
Is PRP therapy effective in treating inflammatory diseases?
Case Studies
Prior Patient Profile
Patient Bear received treatment with PRP for cranial cruciate ligament rupture on both knees.
- 4 Weeks Post
- 8 Weeks Post
- 12 Weeks Post
- 16& 20 Weeks Post
- Owner assess lameness to have improved two points from a 1, prior to Rebound PRP, to a 3 out of 10
- Owner reports lameness to have improved to an 8 out of 10, 10 being no lameness at all.
- Ownerreports lameness to have improved to a 9 out of 10
- Ownerreports lameness to have improved to a 10
Prior Patient Profile
Katie May received treatment with PRP for hip dysplasia.
- 4 Weeks Post
- 8 Weeks Post
- 12 Weeks Post
- 16& 20 Weeks Post
- Owner assess lameness to have improved two points from a 1, prior to Rebound PRP, to a 3 out of 10
- Owner reports lameness to have improved to a 6 out of 10, 10 being no lameness at all.
- Owner reports lameness to have improved to a 9 out of 10
- Owner reports lameness to have improved to a 9, almost 10 Katie May has received no more therapies for pain, has had no mobility issues.