
Pet Vaccinations
in Mandeville, LA
Vaccinations are a critical part of your pet’s preventative health care program. Rather than vaccinate every pet, every year for every vaccine, we now seek to minimize the number of vaccines given while ensuring your pet is protected against deadly viruses and disease. Vaccines are broken down into core vs non-core vaccines. Call us at (985) 626-5615 to schedule an appointment for your pet’s vaccinations today!
What to expectHow We Support You:
- Fast and Easy Scheduling for an Appointment.
- Our Doctors Are Knowledgeable in a Multitude of Vaccines Available.
- A Safe and Sterilized Vaccination on Your Pet.
- Certified and Professional Veterinarians & Staff That Are Ready to Take Care of Your Pet's Every Need.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Core vs Non-Core PET Vaccinations?
There are two types of vaccinations; core and non-core vaccines. Core vaccines are considered vital to protecting your pet from common communicable viruses and disease. These viruses have a high mortality rates if infected, are life threatening, and can be a danger to humans. Non-Core vaccinations are given based on your pet’s lifestyle and is dependent on your pet’s exposure risk. Some are also considered self-limiting and respond well to treatment.
What are Core Dog Vaccinations?
Canine core vaccinations in Mandeville are considered vital to all dogs based on risk of exposure, severity of disease or transmissibility to humans. Core vaccinations protect against the Canine Distemper virus, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, and Parainfluenza virus (DAPP) and the Rabies virus.
What are Non-Core Dog Vaccines?
Non-core dog vaccines include the following: Bordetella, Canine Influenza virus, Leptospirosis, and Lyme. Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. Given our geographical location in Mandeville, Louisiana, we strongly encourage families with dogs to include the Leptospirosis vaccine into their pet's vaccine series.
Leptospirosis is present in South Louisiana, and transmissible to humans from pets. This disease can cause irreversible kidney disease in both humans and companion animals. Many boarding and grooming facilities require Bordetella, given its highly contagious nature, and we strongly encourage adding this vaccine to your dog's vaccine series.
What are Core Cat Vaccinations?
Core vaccinations for all cats include the Calicivirus, Feline Herpes virus, Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper), Feline leukemia virus, and Rabies.
What are Non-Core Cat Vaccination?
Non-core feline vaccines are optional vaccines that you can choose not to include in your cat's vaccine series. The non-core vaccines available to cats are Bordetella and Feline Chlamydia. These vaccines are considered non-core because they are not routinely used in cats and provide incomplete protection. The vaccines are primarily used as a control program in multi-cat households where there is a cat with a confirmed infection of these viruses within the home.