New Year's Eve Safety Tips for Pets

Most people have a great time during New Year’s Eve. The parties, fireworks, and celebrations are something to look forward to every year. Unfortunately, most pets don’t share that sentiment. New Year's Eve can be a very stressful, and even traumatic day for your pet. Pet owners face the chance of having their pet attempting to flee when they hear fireworks or loud music, and in fact, many shelters have an increase in the number of lost pets after the holidays. If you want to make sure your animal companion stays safe and comfortable at home, check out these suggestions that can help you and your pet enjoy a lovely New Year’s Eve.

Keep Your Pet Away From Crowds

If you intend to celebrate the New Year with a party that your pet might find frightening, be sure to make arrangements for them to have a quiet, peaceful place to be away from the commotion. Ensure that the area is escape-proof and that there is enough bedding, entertainment, food and water. You can also consider leaving a radio or TV on in the same room, as they can help some animals relax by reducing the intensity of sounds like speech and fireworks.

Find a Quiet Space for Your Pet

While fireworks are typically associated with Fourth of July celebrations, calls to 911 regarding these potentially frightening noisemakers can also occur around New Year's Eve. Make sure your pet is always secure, cozy, and has a safe place to retreat from loud fireworks.

If you go out, your pet might find themselves alone at home with loud, distracting noises coming from outside. If you can’t be with your furry friend on this day, make sure all exits to their quiet and safe space are locked before you leave the house.

Don’t Leave Them Unattended

If you’re going out of town, it's not advised to leave your pets in the backyard unattended on New Year's Eve. Even if they have never tried this before, the sound of fireworks can cause them to dig under your home’s fence or jump over it to escape.

Update Their Collar and ID

In the event of your pet escaping, there are various steps you can take to increase your chances of reuniting with them. Getting your pet's external ID should be your initial action. Make sure they also have a collar that fits them properly. No more than two fingers should fit between the collar and the neck of your pet. Attach an ID tag to the collar that has the name of your dog or cat and your up-to-date phone number and address.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Celebrating the conclusion of one year and the start of a new one can be a joyful event that the whole family can enjoy together. If you plan your New Year's Eve celebration with your pet’s safety in mind, you will be ringing in the new year with no trouble. Enjoy yourself while keeping in mind all of these suggestions, and give us a call if you have any inquiries about pet safety for your New Year's Eve party. If you'd like to make an appointment with Lakeshore Veterinary Hospital in Mandeville, LA, give us a call at 985-626-5615. We hope you have a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve!

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